Sunday, October 9, 2011

Grand Black Tie

October 2011

The Grand Black Tie event at the Salt Lake Country Club. I enjoyed dressing up in a beautiful full length ball gown and beautiful jewels new to the collection(thanks Mom).

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Royals in Oxnard

While the English royals, Prince William and Kate were visiting the Los Angeles area we decided to visit the young Princess Payton and celebrate Prince Cairo's birthday in the quaint town of Oxnard.
(pictured left to right: Prince Cairo, the Princesses Cumorah and Payton, and the Princes Oakley, Zealand, Poi, and Manti)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

American Royals

The Young Family

I bet you had no idea that there were members of royal families living in America, let alone in your neighborhood.

The Young family, a Royal European and Royal Samoan family, my family.
My father Nolan Brian Young's (deceased, not pictured) Royal European lines come from the early 1500's and 1600's.
My mother(pictured center), Apaula Sulimoni Young, daughter of  Princess Sulimoni Mauga Molifua (American Samoa), daughter of Paramount High Chief Palepoi Mauga, son of Paramount High Chief Moimoi Mauga who signed the treaty with American officials.
Sulimoni Mauga Molifua had 11 children, living in various states across the nation. Therefore, the possibility of encountering someone of royal birth in your neighborhood, maybe the guy coaching your son's football team, the girl in your zumba class, or the kid in your son's math class, is more likely than you think!